….. is a holistic, sports oriented programme dealing with the whole person, as opposed to concentrating upon the mechanics of speech. The program provides a technique to physically overcome the speech blocks and challenging words. It imparts an understanding of the physiology and psychology of stammering as well as encouraging self-acceptance (as a recovering stammerer).
The Programme assists individuals to overcome fear of speaking by concentration, assertiveness and non-avoidance techniques. It explains relapse and how to deal with it should it occur. It demonstrates how to challenge and change lifelong negative traits.
The Programme recognises that dismantling the psychological framework that a person who stammers develops to support their lifelong stammering behaviour does not occur overnight. Consequently, graduates are encouraged to return to future courses on as many occasions as they wish. They become empowered by coaching others, in addition to aiding their own recovery.
What to expect from the Programme
It truly is up to the individual and their desire to travel the road to become an eloquent speaker.
Three or Four Day Intensive Courses
Your journey to becoming a good, if not eloquent, speaker starts with a three or four day (depending on the region) live-in intensive course. Here you will work hard and find it empowering, not only by learning the techniques to overcome your stammer, but also from understanding the physiology and psychology of stammering. After your first course, you can help, if you’re making good progress, instruct new students.
As part of your follow-up, you can attend as many of these intensive courses as you need for a minimal price (10gbp a day) anywhere in the world.
Personal Coach
You will be assigned a personal, certified, Primary Coach who will help you with whatever you need to get good at this sport of speaking. Your coach will be available on call to help you especially through the difficult initial stages of getting good at this sport.
Support Groups
In areas where there are enough graduates to do so, you can attend weekly or bi-weekly support groups to re-groove and refocus your technique and mentality.
Refresher Courses
Although most ‘graduates’ use intensive courses to polish technique and mentality (like any athlete), regions often organize special refresher courses. Any member of the programme can attend these in any region throughout the world.
Telephone Support
The programme has a world wide telephone list of experienced graduates who have undergone training, examination and certification, and who WANT you to call them to access support at the end of a phone line.
On-Line Support
There is a worldwide Internet discussion group where you can make contact with other graduates, and discuss various issues and share information. It has voice, text and email facilities.
Training Opportunities
The McGuire Programme consists entirely of graduates who have been through the Programme. All our course instructors, coaches and administrators are recovering stammerers. The Programme runs training courses for any graduate who wants to develop their skills and use these skills to support other stammerers.
Life Long Membership
The lifetime membership entitles you to access all the Programme’s resources, including intensive and refresher courses, Support Groups and the phone list. The Programme is here for you to use as much or as little as you want. Our aim is for YOU to recover from YOUR stammer, and start enjoying this wonderful sport we call speaking.
Ensuring the Programme is for you
There is a fee due on the second day of your first intensive course. If you decide after the first day that the Programme is not for you, there is no charge, except for accommodation. Once you have paid this fee you are entitled to full access to all the McGuire resources including those referred to in this leaflet.
The cost for lifetime membership to the Programme and refresher fees varies by Region according to costs such as venue fees, travel expenses for RD’s and instructors, cost of living, etc.: